Friday, June 1, 2012


Recently I spoke with someone I used to be close with. And as we were going down memory lane, he decided to tell me: "you liked two people at the same time and I didn't like that." Now I had to question something - did he say that because that is what he believed? Or is he saying that because I didn't choose him? (* I think it's option number two, what do you guys think?)

Then I realized he was a hypocrite. Because of two reasons: (1) he liked me and an ex-friend of mine at the same time and slept with her knowing she was sleeping with two other guys the same day. And (2) he was flirting with me and basically telling me to break up with my boyfriend at the time to be with him cause I felt something for him. And that is when I learned that he was being hypocrite. And the reason for his hypocrisy...I didn't choose him. I guess he was being biased. Because in scenario number two, I liked two people yet the difference was back then I chose him but didn't anymore.

Now hypocrisy isn't rare, heck it is very common. Whether it is in television shows or happening right in from of us, we are human and it is normal to be hypocrite. ESPECIALLY if it has something to do with us. I remember long time ago in high school, I knew these two girls. They hated each other but fake to each other's faces. Nancy is what I would say "gets around" and Jessie was not to keen about it. Nancy would tell all the sexual acts she did/performed. So when Jessie got a boyfriend, she did the acts and was okay with them that Nancy did that Jessie thought was gross. Is that hypocrisy to you? Was Jessie believing the acts were no longer gross because she is doing them?

We are humans so we can get hypocritical, it is normal. But we have to realize that we should own up to it not pretend.

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